The Metro St. Louis Live Music

Historical Society










Dennis McKay /Drums

Steve Koehler /Keys

Mike Katricka /Guitar

Tom Fahey /Bass

John Stein /Guitar, Bass

Mike Kanak /Vocals

Brad Dunn /Vocals

Steve Webb /Guitar

Danny Sirtak /Drums



Ernie Kaufmann /Roadie



Per Dave McKay:

The original band members of the Clouds (in Belleville) recorded Sandy Castles at Brite Star Studios  in Nashville, Tn. in 1969 on the Northland label.  The "A" Side of the record was Tomorrow and the "B" side was Sandy Castles. (both written by Steve Koehler). 



I did some digging and found "Sandy Castles" on YouTube:





If you have any info about or photos or recordings of this band, PLEASE email me at:

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